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公司名称: AIC Magnetics Ltd. 
所在省份: 上海  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: AlNiCo SmCo NdFeB Flexible magnets  
公司简介: Since 1989, AIC Magnetics Ltd, has been manufacturing high quality and low price flexible magnetic sheeting. Now, AIC is proud to be the world's largest manufacturer in the flexible magnet industry and we have come to dominate the European, Mid-Eastern, Asian and Australian markets.
Over fifteen years of experience, development and research allow AIC offer the best service to meet any of your specific demands. 
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AIC Magnetics Ltd. / 上海 / Rm 2001, building A, No. 6259 Humin Rd., Shanghai China (201100) / 电话:021-64935761-15

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